Brandi Kennedy read a romance novel for the first time as a Floridian fifth-grader, and fell in love forever with the genre of romance. As a survivor of childhood trauma and abuse, books about love and successful relationships gave her hope - and that hope became a lifelong love of storytelling. Through her love of reading, Brandi found temporary escape from the abuse and neglect that marked her early years, but it was through writing that she found healing, faith, and a renewed zest for life.
Now a Knoxville transplant, Brandi is a single mom who strives to create a life of balance, courage, and compassion. She serves her church faithfully as a member of the Stephen Ministry, loves God more than anything else, and wants her writing and her story to offer the same hope and escape that she once sought as a young reader.
In the meantime, life is an ongoing journey, and while Brandi is still learning the lifestyle of a truly Undaunted woman, she's hoping to share what works for her with others along the way.